Krishna Premi Upanyasam

Sri Rukmini Kalyanam. Sri Krishna Premi Maharaj presided over and honored Sri Vittaldas Maharaj's Rukmini Kalyanam upanyasam on Dec 13, 1992 at Salem. Sri Krishna Premi Maharaj's comments about the Upanyasam can be heared in Part 6, 7 and 8. Sri Sri Krishna Premi Maharaj fondly known as Sri.Anna is a combination of all the various facets of all preceeding avadhara purushas. He strives so relentlessly for establishing the greatness of archavatars and restoring their grandeur and splendour that he reminds one of Saint Ramanuja. When he dances down the.

SandhyaVandhanam - Upanyasam by Shri Krishna Premi by thapas published on 2011-10-19T21:44:49Z. Users who reposted this track Naveen kumar N. Gautham Krishnan 1. Gautham Krishnan. Subramani Venkat. Subramani Venkat. We are a group of people in Singapore, who wish for 'Sath Sangam'.' All of us are Bhakthal of Sri Sri Krishna Premi Swamigal, fondly called Sri Sri Anna. As directed by our Guru Sri Sri Anna, as a 'Sath Sangam', we want to involve ourselves in Namasankeerthanam (Devotional Singing), Parayanam (Chanting of holy books), and Katha Sravanam / Upanyasam (Hearing lord's praise / discourse).

  • Sri Krishna Premi Swamigal's books and audio are available in India at various locations. For details on where to get Premi Anna's audio and publications click here In this page, you will find some sample Audios that you can enjoy at leisure. Sri Premi Anna Hare Rama chanting.
  • Sri KrishnaPremi Swami is delivering an Upanyasam under the topic “Ramanuja Vaibhavam” at Sriperumbudur between 17th May to 24th May 2012. Details of the upanyasam and schedule can be found below.

ThiruviNNagara Divya Desam: News and Updates ThiruviNNagara Divya Desam News and Updates Updates - The Temple - moolavar, thaayAr. - history - aazhvaar paasurams. - utsavam vehicles - sravanam, Sponsored Sevas, thEr utsavam. Audio Images, kalyana utsavam, pushkarni, etc Video, Samprokshanam (2009), Kalyanotsavam.

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In the beginning of the keerthanam, Sri Sadguru Sadguru Swamigal tells all the bhakthas of the ways to reach the lord from within the ocean of samsara. En Peruman is ready to even leave the paramapadam and come and live with us. He is the antaryAmi within us.

Krishna Premi Anna Upanyasam

In each and every temple, divya desham he is present for all of us to have darshan. Amongst such divya deshams, where the glory is sung heartfelt by the Azhwars, are the 108 divya deshams.

Krishna Premi Upanyasam

There are also purana sthalams. There are also the avatAra sthalams of the Mahans. Sthalams where bhakthars have sung are also there, where bhagavan has come to stay. Such songs are the truths from the vedas. If bhagavan did not stay there, these sayings would not be truthful. To maintain this truth, bhagavan resides in these divya deshams.

There are thus many many kshetrams and divya deshams in India. Amongst all the great many punya kshetrams and divya deshams where many mahans have sung the glory of the bhagawan, one of the most famous is Puri Jagannath. In this kshetram there are present alongwith the bhagavan, Jagannatha perumal, Balaram and Subhadra.

Some kshetram or divya desham or to which perumal we always pray and be in divine contemplation and service is verily bhakthi. This is being told in the pratham padham in the song 'Bhajare Manasa Jagannatham'. The Great Mahans giving upadeshams to others are quite less in number. They would usually tell to themselves.

Whatever they tell to themselves is for others sake only. Bhajare Manasa Jagannatham meaning ‘Oh! Mind, always do bhajan to Jagannatham’, he is Lakshminathan always being served by both devas and munis. What will we get if we do bhajan to Jagannatham if one asks? All your sorrows will end. That is important.

Unable to face sorrows, different types, different diseases, different dangers, difficulties and losses, this is samsaram. There are several pariharams (deliverances) for our sorrows. Sastras split the sorrows faced by us all into 3 types - AdhyAthmikam, Aadhibautikam, Aadhideivikam. For all these three types of sorrows, parihAram is also available. Both sorrows as well as parhAram are available, that’s what we see nowadays.

Krishna Premi Upanyasam

Of these AdhyAthmikam is about the different diseases for which we search for parihAram in the form of medicine and doctors. Are we not doing parihAram for diseases. On one side parihArams are being done, on the other these diseases are thriving more comfortably than us. So there is no single vimochanam (liberation) from diseases. Ultimately the vimochanam (liberation) for our karmas and resulting sorrows is only one and that is the thiruvadi (lotus feet) of bhagawan Jagannathan.

Krishna Premi Upanyasam

Whenever we want to go closer to bhagavan we seek somebody who will take us, as we see in Sri Ramayanam its Vibhishanam as he being in sky cries out to someone who can take me to Sri Rama. A while ago as Krishnan Swami said, ‘Taking hold of Adiyarghazh only can we go to Perumal. In Puri Jagannath kshetram there is Balabadran (Adhishemam amsham) and Subhadran is also present and if we go and have the darshan there all our sorrows will be removed. Our sorrows come mainly due to our papams and once all the wrong doings are eliminated, our punyams will get activated and we start to be happy again, but this is again only transient and temporary.

As we see when we take medicine the deliverance from pain is temporary. Sarva papam will be removed (vimochanam) only with bhagavan namam.

Krishna Premi Discourses

Bhagavan namam has such a sakthi, if it can remove all the papams all the dukhams also will be gone isn't it. All the punyams will be left over then and we can attain the thiruvadi of the bhagawan. Thus if we need sakala sowbhagyam and removal of dukham, we should perform the bhajan of Sri Jagannathan. Many bhakthas and Acharyas have gone to many of these kshetrams and shown us the 'nama' as the path to reach the bhagawan. Among the Acharyas the most famous is Adi Shankaracharyar who went to Puri Jaganatham and prayed to the bhagawan Sri Jagannathar. Only Adi Shakarar could see the bhagawan and his consort Rukmini in the famous rathotsavam (chariot) procession of Sri Jagannathar. This kshetram is also known as Neela chalam, its mentioned in great detail in the Brahmapuranams kshetra mahatmiyam and is located in the coastal town of Puri in the state of Orissa, India.

Importance of SandhyaVandhanam - Upanyasam by Shri Krishna Premi

Krishna Premi Upanyasam

Krishna Premi Upanyasam

Comment by ss@sc

Thanks Anudinam and sound cloud for making it available to us. Simple and persuasive exposition by Sri Sri Anna

Krishna premi anna

Comment by shankar

all works of Sri Sri Anna are copyright protected and should be purchases at original version through registered trust that holds the copyright ..kindly remove these contents.. if your intend is to propogate dharma chinthanai do it through proper channel , buy the copies of these upanyaasams from the trust ..the fund will be used for various dharma karyams ..kindly remove all these postings from improper channels

Comment by shivavihs

Namaskaram Sri Sri Anna Swamiji

Comment by venkatazb

@kannan-mayuram-sambasivan: thank you

Comment by Venkatesan Ramalingam 2

Unique lecture indeed infusing the hearer to follow it in deed. R.v.

Comment by Trithala Shivakumar

Very good, but no option to download. sk

Krishna premi discourses

Comment by Raman K

Krishna Premi Anna Upanyasam

How to download this????

Comment by user7996158

each and every BRAHMIN must do SANDHYAVANDHANAM every day after hearing Upanyasam by SHRI KRISHNA PREMI