Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide

  1. Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide Rs3
  2. Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide Osrs
  3. Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide 4

Page 1 Augmentations are a huge part of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and picking the right ones can make a huge difference with how you play the game. The thing is, until you’ve spent your Praxis. As nanotechnologically-augmented agent JC Denton, the player can further enhance their abilities with augmentations which, once installed, grant the player special abilities, such as increased strength, health regeneration, invisibility or toxic resistance, to name a few. The player starts the game with three default augmentations, and can add up to nine more as they become available. Same as in vanilla Deus Ex, only this time it doesn't appear on realistic difficulty. That's right, sucks to be you, but that's why you're playing on realistic. To get to the bookshelf you need to head left from the first barrel of ambrosia and go up the stairs, when there go forward until you can see the ambrosia again, then turn left.

  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Cranium Augmentations
  • By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief,
  • Published 08/23/2011
  • Unrated

Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide Rs3

Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Cranium Augmentations
Cranium Augmentations
Social Enhancer
Radar System
Stealth Enhancer
Hacking Enhancements
Capture 1
Capture 2
Capture 3
Capture 4
Capture 5
Camera Domination
Robot Domination
Turret Domination
Hacking Analyze Add-ons
Detection Feedback
Analyze All Datastores
Eye Augmentations
Smart Vision
Wall-Penetrating Imager
Retinal Prosthesis
Retinal HUD
Flash Suppressant
Cooldown Timer
Cranium Augmentations
Social Enhancer – 2 Praxis Points
Opens up the Social Augmentations
Emotional Intelligence Enhancer – Automatically Unlocked
This opens up the Optical Polygraph as well as the Personality Analyzer and the Synthetic Pheromone Propagator.
Optical Polygraph – This gives you feedback as you interact with people. If you give an appropriate response the field will turn green and the dots will rise. If you give a negative response it will turn red and the dots will fall.
Personality Analyzer – This gives a number of key personality traits in addition to building a psychological profile. This makes it easier to give the appropriate response. There are three personality types in the game: Alpha, Beta and Omega. As you talk with the person, these will fill up showing their dominant personality type.
Synthetic Pheromone Propagator – Adds in another factor toward success by using pheromones. A few people can be alerted to your use of this system.
Radar System – Automatically Unlocked
Radar 1 – Automatically Unlocked
Range of 25 meters
Radar 2 – 1 Praxis Point
Range of 50 meters
Infolink – Automatically Unlocked
Cochlear Implant – Receive incoming transmissions without alerting anyone
Sub-Vocal Communication Implant – Send mission-critical transmissions
Stealth Enhancer – 2 Praxis Points
Noise Feedback - Automatically Unlocked with Stealth Enchancer
Shows the range of noise generation.
Last Known Location Marker – 1 Praxis Point
Any time you are spotted and break the enemy's line of sight, this will show where they last knew you to be. This gives you an edge as you know the central point of their search. This is very useful for laying traps and other surprises.
Cones of Vision – 1 Praxis Point
Activates along with the Stealth Augmentations. Actively tracks the positions of enemies nearby and shows their status be it alert or relaxed.
Mark and Track 1.0 – 1 Praxis Point
3 enemies tracked. Useful for hunting specific NPCs, finding Shopkeepers and various enemies.
Mark and Track 2.0 – 1 Praxis Point
5 enemies tracked. Useful for hunting specific NPCs, finding Shopkeepers and various enemies.
Mark and Track 3.0 – 1 Praxis Point
7 enemies tracked. Useful for hunting specific NPCs, finding Shopkeepers and various enemies.
Hacking Enhancements – Automatically Unlocked
Capture 1 – Automatically Unlocked
Enables you to hack devices with security level 1 with a high success chance.
Capture 2 – 1 Praxis Point
Enables you to hack devices with security level 2 with a high success chance.
Capture 3 – 1 Praxis Point
Enables you to hack devices with security level 3 with a high success chance.
Capture 4 – 1 Praxis Point
Enables you to hack devices with security level 4 with a high success chance.
Capture 5 – 1 Praxis Point
Enables you to hack devices with security level 5 with a high success chance.
Camera Domination – Automatically Unlocked
Once you have control of a security hub you can look through camera connected to it. After you view everything you can deactivate them easily.
Robot Domination – 1 Praxis Point
Much the same as the below, you have three options for handling the robots. The main difference is that choosing Enemy while there are inactive robots will active them all and send them on patrol. This can draw unwanted attention.
Turrent Domination – 1 Praxis Point
Gives you another option through the Security Hub. This allows you to seize control of the connected turrets. You will have three options: Default, Disable and Enemies. Default keeps them as they are, Disable turns them off and Enemies turns the turrets on your enemies.
Hacking Anaylze Add-on – 1 Praxis Point
Detection Feedback – Automatically Unlocked with Hacking Analysis
Shows your chance of being detected while attempting to capture a node.
Analyze All Datastores – 1 Praxis Points
Builds on your chance of breaking into the node. This displays the contents of the node you are looking at.
Hacking: Fortify – Automatically Default
Fortify 1
Bolsters the fortifications of captured nodes. This can raise it above the standard highest rating of 5 up to 8. This augment adds 1 point to the captured nodes rating.
Fortify 2 – 1 Praxis Point
Bolsters the fortifications of captured nodes. This can raise it above the standard highest rating of 5 up to 8. This augment adds 2 points to the captured nodes rating.
Fortify 3 – 1 Praxis Point
Bolsters the fortifications of captured nodes. This can raise it above the standard highest rating of 5 up to 8. This augment adds 3 points to the captured nodes rating.
Hacking: Stealth – 1 Praxis Point
Stealth 1 – Automatically Unlocked
Lowers you chance of being detected while capturing a Node by 15%.
Stealth 2 – 1 Praxis Point
Lowers you chance of being detected while capturing a Node by 30%.
Stealth 3 – 1 Praxis Point
Lowers you chance of being detected while capturing a Node by 45%.
Smart Vision – 2 Praxis Points
Unlocks Wall-Penetrating Imager
Wall-Penetrating Imager – Automatically Unlocked
Allows you to see through most walls in the game. It has a 20 meter range and will show all enemies, NPCs, computer interfaces, items you can interact with. It will illuminate them in a yellow outline.
Retinal Prosthesis – Automatically Unlocked
Unlocks Retinal HUD
Retinal HUD – Automatically Unlocked
This is your heads up display. Unlocks Cooldown Timer and Flash Suppressant.
Flash Suppressant – 1 Praxis Point
Reduces time blinded from Concussive mines and grenades.
Cooldown Timer – 1 Praxis Point
This shows how long it will be until enemy's who have detected you will remain on alert until they return to their normal patrol routes.

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Article Series

Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide Osrs

This article is part 2 of a 4 part series. Other articles in this series are shown below:

Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide 4

  1. : Killing Floor 2 Stalkers
  2. : Torch Browser 64 Bit
  3. : Install Smokeping On Windows
  4. : E Transcript Viewer Free For Mac
  5. : Super Saiyan 6 Goku