Skyrim Enb Anisotropic Filtering

Hi guys, In this video I explain what Antialiasing and Anisotropic Filtering is by showing you some in game screenshots and video clips. The games used inclu.

< Guide:ENBlocal INI
  • 1[ENGINE]

I am using ENB for my Skyrim installation and it is working. I disabled the hardware antialiasing, BUT. Now the edges are jagged inside the game, it appears as if there's no antialiasing at all. 'Antialiasing - EnableEdgeAA' is enabled. So is Anisotropic filtering 16x. Is there any way I can fix this? Page 1 of 2 - Anisotropic Filtering On/Off? - posted in Post Processor Support: Hi, I was recently told by someone knowledgeable that it looks like my anisotropic filtering is off. Its enabled in my ENB so I was confused by this. It was suggested I turn it off in the ENB and on in my drivers. I did this, no change. I enabled it a variety of different ways and any way I do it I see no change. Skyrim Shift+Enter ENB menu. Skyrim enblocal.ini file. Decrease anisotropic filtering. Anisotropic filtering, like ENBs, can utilize a lot of graphics memory leaving the video card with little free memory. This can result in poor performance but also stuttering. Turning around in the game quickly or moving from one place to. ENB Anisotropy does not appear to be working. I have done as instructed by several sources. Nvidia Anisotropy is off and Skyrim Anisotropy is off. ENB Anisotropy is on. Yet it does not work. Any help would be appreciated!


The parameters in this section affect the game engine behavior.

Skyrim Enb Anisotropic Filtering Potion

It's noted by Boris that it is best to force anisotropic filtering here instead of in the video card drivers. His reasoning behind this is because if forced through video card settings, the filtering will be applied to all textures and some textures should not be filtered. Filtering such textures could cause issues with SSAO and parallax. Forcing anisotropic filtering through the ENB; however, skips these textures. (This behavior has not been confirmed either way by STEP.)


This will force anisotropic filtering for all textures with a linear filtering type. Textures which should not have anisotropic filtering are not filtered.


This is the level of anisotropy filtering. The values are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16; higher values provide better quality.


This parameter forces LOD Bias for all LOD textures.


LOD Bias controls the sharpness of LOD textures. Values should be between -0.5 and 0.5; any higher or lower and texture degradation is highly probable. Lower values result in sharper textures.


This parameter enables downsampling to be used without having to force it through the graphics driver. It is recommended to remain disabled and only to be used by advanced users. In the most basic explanation, downsampling is rendering the game at twice the monitor's set resolution and then downsampling it to the correct resolution before being displayed on the monitor. This mimics supersampling. For this to work, users must enable this parameter, run in full screen mode, set the resolution in SkyrimPrefs.ini to 2x the monitor's set resolution, and set UseDefferedRendering=false under [GLOBAL]. For a more in-depth explanation and how-to's using the video drivers rather than the ENB parameter below, see this article.


This will enable vsync which is recommenced to prevent screen tearing. Enabling this has also been reported to help solve the lip sync issue on NPCs; however, users should also set iPresentInterval=1 in Skyrim.ini.


This tells the frame buffer to ignore the back buffer 0, 1, 2, or 3 contiguous cycles before grabbing a frame. This feature is mainly for users with high refresh rate monitors (> 60Hz) and should be set to '0' for most other users.

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ENBSeries graphics mods have become arguably the most high-profile visual enhancement mods out there, thanks to the highly popularised post-processing mod that was released for Grand Theft Auto IV.

Skyrim enb anisotropic filtering commandAnisotropic

If you haven’t seen GTA IV running with the ICEenhancer/ENBSeries mods then you’re in for a treat; check out the video below.

Skyrim Enb Anisotropic Filtering Texture Pack

But we’re not here to talk about Grand Theft Auto, we’re here to talk about Skyrim, because the ENBSeries graphics enhancer mod for Bethesda’s critically acclaimed RPG has been released.

Skyrim Enb Anisotropic FilteringFiltering

This is an early version of the enhancer, and we can expect many more updates over the next few months or even years. At the moment the mod applies its own layer of post-processing and colour adjustment affects. Shadows look deeper and colours punch more.

The mod also uses its own SSAO affect, which is significantly more resource hungry than Skyrim’s default SSAO implementation. To maintain a steady framerate, the creator Boris Vorontsov recommends that users set “EnableAmbientOcclusion=false” in the enbseries.ini file. He also suggests turning off anisotropic filtering in the drivers because it dramatically decreases SSAI performance. Instead, set “ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true” in the enbseries.ini file.

If you don’t like the mod’s default settings you can tweak it to your liking. It is capable of modifying the brightness of HDR for clouds, stars, aurora, sun, moons, sun corona, sun light, ambient light, and texture gamma.

If you’re not happy with the default visuals on offer in Skyrim, or you just like the idea of toying with the graphics engine, then you can download the ENBSeries visual enhancement mod from Skyrim Nexus.

The FXAA Post Process Injector is another popular post-processing mod which enhances Skyrim’s graphics. You can check it out here.

Also worth checking out is the HD landscape texture mod.

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