How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac

In Office 2011 for Mac, Excel has a special kind of sheet called a dialog sheet, on which you can make an input form such as the one you see when you’re in an Excel 2011 for Mac table and choose Data→Form. You can probably make one much nicer if you put your mind to it. Another use for dialog sheets is to make your own wizards.

How do i resize a userform in excel 2011 for macs

Excel VBA Resize. Resize is a property available in VBA to change or resize the range of cells from the active cell as needed. For example, assume you are in the cell B5, and from this cell, if you want to select 3 rows and two columns, we can change the size of a range by using the RESIZE property of VBA. I have a visual basic 6 application that I am trying to change the size of the forms and the controls based on the screen resolution. I have figured out how to change the form size but my problem. You can try the code below on a Mac in Excel 2011 to always open the userform in the center of your Excel window. Note: The code below will not work in 2016 and higher because the Macscript function is not working anymore in a lot of situations because of Apple Sandbox requirements. I am now trying to get 4 items to resize elegantly. I have a square userform with 4 square images arranged 2 by 2. I would like all four of these to resize as the userform gets resized. I have tried with the images inside frames, with the images alone, with each frame having its own set of anchors as well as the userform etc. I am running Excel 2011 for Mac. I have a Worksheet with a small amount of data, and when I click the Pivot Table button it automatically creates the Pivot Table in a new Worksheet. The Pivot Table data is fine, but I want it to display alongside the source data.

Dialog sheets gain new prominence by having their form controls exposed on the Ribbon in Excel 2011. Beginning with Excel 98, VBA Userforms largely replaced dialog sheets. The Text Box, Combo List Edit, and Combo Dropdown Edit form controls found on the Developer tab of the Ribbon can be placed only on a dialog sheet.

Making a dialog sheet in Excel 2011 for Mac

Making a dialog sheet is easy! Choose Insert→Sheet→Dialog Sheetto display a new, default dialog sheet cleverly called Dialog 1. Notice that all of the Form Controls on the Developer tab of the Ribbon.

The rest of this chapter requires VBA (visual basic applications). It covers essential things you must do in Excel 2011 to make full use of dialog sheets.

Running a dialog sheet in Excel 2011 for Mac

After you place controls onto a dialog sheet, you run the sheet to use the controls. There’s a catch! The Run button isn’t on the Ribbon or even in the Customize Toolbars and Menus dialog. You can find the Run button on the free Excel 2011 MVP Toolbar.

  • Run Dialog: To make a dialog sheet work, you have to run it. Clicking this button runs the dialog while you’re building your form. Usually you exit a dialog using a control, but you can also press the Esc key. After you’ve finished making your dialog, you would have a macro run it. Developers tend to hide dialog sheets (Format→Sheet→Hide) and display them only when they are needed.

  • Design Mode: Click this toggle button to enter or exit Design mode.

  • Edit Code: Select a control, and then click this button to view or edit the VBA code associated with the selected control in the VB Editor (VBE).

  • Control Properties: Select a control and then click this button to display the Format Control properties dialog for the selected control.

Now you have everything you need to make and edit dialog sheets. Examples of how to program dialog sheets are on the Internet and in books dealing with programming for Excel version 5.

How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac 64-bit

January 16th 08, 02:39 AMposted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,986
maximizing the size of a UserForm
I just created a UserForm for a test. I put the width and height dimensions
in the initialize event like this:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With UserForm1
.Width = 640
.Height = 480
End With
End Sub
Then in the VBA module I use:
Sub UFtst()
MsgBox 'Check Size'
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
It brings the form up in the larger dimension, which indicates that you can
set it to
fit your full screen size.
'Takashi Yamauchi' wrote:

Could anyone give me a suggestion?
As I open a UserForm, I want to maximize the size of the form (making it as
large as my monitor). In the VB6 Form property, there is a property called
'WindowState' and I can select 'Maximized.' But, I can't find a similar
property in Excel VBA. How can I automatically maximize a UserForm in Excel
Thank you
Takashi Yamauchi