Fivem Single Player Not Working

.Version 1.0. This is a YMAP that adds working traffic signals at 4 intersections in Blaine County. This YMAP was inspired in part by this pack by @FAXES (Credit for the whole working lights part goes fully to @FAXES for providing all of the path files in that pack to edit/reverse engineer). Also, I should note that the intersection at Joshua and Route 13 was inspired by that pack, not. FiveM server list™. VMenu is server sided menu for FiveM servers, including full. permission support.(Some features do not have permissions support as they are either harmless or it'd just be silly to deny them. However, they will be disabled if you deny access to the submenu that they are a part of (eg: unlimited stamina in Player Options will be disabled if. Hey everyone, After I released the first Verison of the LSC Office, some people asked for a version of the office inside the real tunning shop. Well and here we go again with an office inside the shop:) The Interior will appear at two locations: the LSC in Burton and at the LSC in La Puerta (Airport) The map is not done yet and I will work in the background on new stuff.Cheers Discord.

  1. Fivem Single Player Not Working
  2. Add Mods To Fivem Single Player
  3. Fivem Single Player Not Working

Getting game crashes? Can't launch FiveM? Or maybe running into some moreobscure issue? Find the most common issues here.

I crash when playing on a server

Crashes are fairly often related to a server-specific issue. To make sure your crash isn't related to a specificserver, it is advised to join the vanilla FiveM server. If that server works without your issue, werecommend you to contact the server owners of the server where you're experiencing crashes on. Otherwise, read on.

I've been banned on a server

FiveM is not responsible for what you do on servers, or what server admins do to you. If you believe you've beenfalsely banned from a server, contact the server owners. FiveM can not and will not provide support for this matter.

I've been globally banned from FiveM

That's unfortunate, don't cheat.If you believe you've been falsely banned, you can fill out the ban report at This is not a ban appeal, but this data is used for structured collection of potential ‘false positive’ bans.
Please note that you may not get a response and that FiveM forum/Discord moderators can not assist you with your ban.

Could not find game executable

Locate the CitizenFX.ini file within your FiveM Application Data and make sure it ispointing to the correct path. Open the file with a text editor like Notepad and edit the path to your GTA V installationif necessary.

FiveM is already installed

After you installed FiveM, you don't need to use the same FiveM.exe file anymore. Use the shortcut from your Windowsstart menu. Press the Start button on your taskbar and look for FiveM there.

If you uninstalled FiveM by deleting the shortcut, you might have to uninstall FiveM properly.

Game cache outdated

Press Yes if the dialog asks Do you wish to continue?. If you get an error like DLC files are missing, make sureyour game is up to date by following the instructions in the dialog. Also, make sure your CitizenFX.ini points tothe correct GTA V installation. You can find that file within your FiveM application data.

Error generating ROS entitlement token

Certain antivirus vendors are known to block FiveM for unknown reasons.Disable your antivirus and try again.

Error loading component xyz.dll

Delete caches.xml from your FiveM application data folder.If there is no such file, delete the entire application data folder and run FiveM again. For adhesive.dll also see below.

Error loading component adhesive.dll

Your Windows 10 installation is outdated. Please update it to at least version 1703. To check your current version, open command prompt and type winver.

Opening database (privcache:/) failed: IO error: could not lock file

Your privcache got corrupted. Please remove the “priv” folder from the cache folder located in your FiveM application data.

Entry Point Not Found

Delete v8.dll, v8_libbase.dll, v8_libplatform.dll if available in your C:Windowssystem32 directory. These are (leftover) files from other applications that incorrectly use system32 to place these files. FiveM loads dll's from system32 first, resulting in these incorrect dll's being loaded.

Moving of xyz.exe failed (err = 32)

First check your taskmanager for existing fivem processes if you see them close them, if that doesn’t fix the issue try disabling your antivirus.


Stuck on ‘We're getting there and it will be worth the wait’

Often caused by aggressive antivirus settings. Disable your antivirus and try again.

Stuck on a rotating splash screen

Fivem single player not working.modsFivem Single Player Not Working

Delete %appdata%citizenfxros_id.dat and %localappdata%digitalentitlements.

Stuck on a black screen

This is a common issue with certain NVIDIA drivers. Stay patient, it takes a minute to load. This oftenhappens to other games too.

Stuck on a colored background but no menu

This happens on specific older AMD laptop GPUs. Unfortunately, this is caused by CEF and not by FiveM. Once the issue has been fixed in CEF, FiveM will be updated too. A forum moderator has created a topic that could potentially rectify this issue. Click here for more info.

FiveM uninstalls itself after running it!

This is most likely your antivirus software removing FiveM. Unfortunately some antivirus vendors falsely flag FiveM,and remove some (or even all) FiveM files as a precaution. You can safely ignore any warnings about this.
Click here for more info on how to disable your antivirus.

Fivem Single Player Not Working

Help! I can't find my issue here!

Add Mods To Fivem Single Player

We are more than happy to help you out! If you're running into crashes or freezes, please post your issueon our forums. Provide as much detail as you can, that will make it easier for everyone to help you.For all other issues, you are more than welcome to join our Discord and have a chat with us.

Fivem Single Player Not Working

Last modified June 4, 2020: fix: update links for consistency and such (0ce6cb6)